Saturday, October 23, 2010

Business or Pleasure? – Both

Well, it’s safe to say that I have been busy.  In the course of three weeks I will have made three different “trips” to see friends or for work.  Last week I was in Sendai to visit friends for a short while – That was a 3.5 hour bus ride both ways, yesterday I took a 2.5 hour Shinkansen ride to Morioka for a business meeting with all the other teachers in my region, and this coming week I will be make a 2 hour train ride up to Odate to teach at my “hotel school” for a week.  All in all, a fairly busy schedule with traveling.  In other words, in the course of three weeks I have/will only been/be in my apartment for 4 days.  As much as I like saving on electricity, I do miss being able to sleep in my own bed and cook some nice HOT meals that do no come prepare wrapped.

There is a silver lining to all my travels though.  I have had to opportunity to finally sleep (cue drum roll) in a capsule hotel!  That’s right, my bucket list of “must do’s” for Japan has had an item marked off.  Now all that is left is:

  • Battle Godzilla to the death
  • Become the true Last Samurai
  • Kiss Mao Inoue
  • Enjoy a Soap Palace
  • Have a maiko fall hopelessly in love with me

In other news…I’m trying to find a place to go buy ice skates since there is a really nice skating rink here in town and I’d like to get back to skating around a lot.  So, for those of you who live in Japan please give me any ideas you might have for where I can buy said hockey skates.

In other, other news…I am a zombie!  And I’ve got the pictures to prove it!



1 comment:

  1. All you need to do is star in a movie where you are the last samurai, who fights and kills Godzilla, thus winning the affections of a beautiful maiko (played by Mao Inoue)and she treats you to a Soap Palace in the end. And boom! Your dreams will come true.
