Friday, October 8, 2010

There is obviously something wrong with me. Without a doubt. There is something in my brain -- Some chemical, nerve ending, or small troll which constantly per verses my thoughts and actions. I'm not all together sure as to why it seems like I can truly relate to no one. I don't know why my opinions always seem to be the ugly minority in a group. Maybe I was just born to be a contrary and always work against others.

I just don't seem to fit right. I'm not talking about fitting in with Americans or with Japanese. I'm focusing on humanity as a whole with this statement.

(By the way, if you are wondering. No, nothing awful has happened. I've just had a lot of downtime)

I highly doubt that there is anyone out there who can understand me the way I wish to be understood and who can accept me for who I am. Because it always turns into me being "too (insert adjective)." Too nice, too angry, too sad, too weak, too smart, too stupid, and too childish.

I don't know what has happened to me recently or in my past that has caused me to veer so significantly from the social highway everyone else seems to commute on everyday. While they are cruising by at seventy-five miles per hour, I am crawling down some back road with more than enough time to casually survey any condemned building I pass.

Some may argue that it is the human experience and that there is nothing strange about this. But I would disagree. I would say that it is the "true" human experience but that most people are too foolish or short sighted to ever realize what they are doing or how things are affecting themselves and those around them.

Anyway, this is just another small pondering on why I continue to ostracize myself from everyone else


  1. fyi your fine just the way you are society needs more of you so it doesn't go bland. Learning how to mesh better is a necessary quality though and if that means stopping a few sentences short or listening for a second more it'll make the day easier i know this for a fact as I apply this myself especially amongst professors and worth it ladies. Downtime is supposed to be fun a time to love one's self and understand just how connected w/ the universe one is, at least that's what i do i have time to reflect and get a reality check if it gets me done i do the necessary adjustments not fixing it mind you because that is too simply put but by making the right adjustment i guarantee i'm not bsing myself as i could be doing if i feel like it's quickly fixed restoring a good balance can't be described that easily i feel.
    wow what a book

  2. I feel kinda like a bad friend, especially because I've been meaning to message you for a while and this comment is super... SUPER late.

    I just want you to know that I never felt that way about you and I know that even though it feels likes you dont fit in this particular puzzle, I see you're going to Sendai soon... I know sometime soon you'll find your puzzle. If you ever need to talk. I'm here.
